Will was stunned, to say the least. "Jill, you're talking crazy. You're with James, remember?!"
Jill responded by smacking him round the face.

"Good!" snapped Jill, then stormed off. Elle was still standing there, shocked into silence. Will wasted no time in apologising to her.
"I'm so sorry, babe. I really don't know what that was about. She's totally crazy." Elle looked like she was going to cry. "Hey, it'll be okay. Don't worry your pretty little head about it."

Note: Jill is ACTUALLY INSANE. The jealousy thing? She wasn't even in love with Will at that point. They only had the crush flag thanks to her previous unrecorded freakouts and Realistic Jealousy means she shouldn't get slap-happy unless she's engaged to the cheater. But she still did it! She'd been poking and annoying Elle before that and she got into a fight with the landlord. Her other escapades included stealing all of Will's booze even though there's a bar in the shared-area basement near the hot-tub, SLEEPING IN HIS BED, and generally being weird. See -

You have a real bunny boiler on your hands! Do you use ACR as well? It's been a long time since I've had a jealousy freakout with just a crush because I've got ACR. I've not heard of Realistic Jealousy.
Yeah, I use ACR. I think I must be wrong in referring to that aspect of it as Realistic Jealousy but that's what I call it in my head. Jill's the only one who doesn't seem to work by ACR's rules :/
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