This is the last of my scheduled posts - there'll be more in October!

Shiina had decided that she needed to find a man for Emma. Unfortunately her first pick, her friend Gabe, seemed a little too interested in blondes who weren't Emma.

Shiina's plan was all for naught. At the end of the night she caught Gabe and his mystery blonde kissing on the dancefloor.

"Is Gabe coming back with us?" asked Emma, still in a police uniform. She'd kept it to provide herself with a bit of cover - yes, she no longer worked for them, quite the opposite in fact, but she'd prefer to keep that a secret.
"Nope. He's a jerk anyway," said Shiina as they walked towards the taxi to continue the party back at the apartment. Emma sighed.

Shiina's own love-life was much more successful. She and Trent met up whenever possible. He had made it clear he wasn't in to commitment and Shiina respected this, feeling a little stifled by it herself, but she couldn't help but hold out hope she'd be the girl to change his mind.

Emma's job gave her odd hours and Shiina didn't much like hanging around the house painting and sewing on her own, so she and Trent would hit the clubs. Life was good.

"Do you ever think we could be... you know... something more?" said Shiina one night as they lay on her bed. A photo of them together caught her eye. "I mean, this is all really fun, but - "
"You're talking crazy again, hon. Let's just get down to business, yeah?"

Emma was too busy for romance anyway. She had discovered that her new career suited her down to the ground, it kept her excited and focused, and she was determined to reach the top.

That didn't mean she didn't socialise at all, though, just not romantically. She'd made friends with Ash Chalmers, who lived in the apartment below theirs. He was nice but he wasn't her type, plus his mind did always seem elsewhere. She'd seen him on a few dates with some girl or other and assumed he was pining after her, although her assumption couldn't have been further from the truth.

Things looked ready to change when a new neighbour moved in, though. Danny Knox had a certain something that caught her attention. Pity he was so young...
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