Things were going well for Sabrina and her new family. Adam was a healthy baby with a big appetite, and his presence didn't seem to have upset the teenagers as it would have done in a less balanced "blended family". Jacinta and Destiny rallied round to help out, although Sabrina made sure they made time for school and meals.

Jasper was especially happy and even took breaks from his workaholic schedule to help care for his son. He couldn't have been more different from Sabrina's ex-husband, James, and for that she was extremely thankful.

One of the tactics they used in keeping their family together was shared mealtimes, especially breakfast. Even if Sabrina had been up all night taking care of Adam, she would cook pancakes or omelettes for the rest of the household before going back to bed.

Even though Hiro had graduated from high school and she still had a little while to go, Destiny didn't stop seeing her boyfriend. He was a professional sportsman now and that just made him hotter.

Jacinta was also dreaming of an age-gap relationship, although the gap was slightly larger in her case. She and Ash had yet to even kiss or do anything more dramatic than flirt but the chemistry was definitely there.

The house was definitely completely loved-up; even prickly Amanda was having some luck. She didn't have quite the same desire for stability that possessed Destiny and Jacinta, though, so after her first kiss she didn't even call the boy in question and instead put her energies into organising the Best Party Ever.

Destiny didn't let her relationship with Hiro get in the way of family matters. She still frequently saw Ruth, who was technically her aunt but was more like a little sister to her. Jacinta was slightly less involved, but didn't hide away like Amanda.

"You know, Dad, I wouldn't mind another baby brother or sister," said Destiny conversationally over left-over chilli.
Jasper smiled. "I don't think so. Sabrina and I are getting a little bit old for that..."

But when Jasper looked at Adam, he doubted his position on the matter. Yes, he and Sabrina were getting on in years, but their love and care for Adam made them feel young. Why not try for another baby?

Amanda's plans for the Best Party Ever were derailed slightly when her mother and step-father very firmly told her "NO BOYS!", but she went ahead with an all-girl party anyway and it was a blast.

Unbeknown to the rest of her family, Jacinta had her first kiss that night, and it wasn't with Ash. She'd never kissed a girl before, never even thought about it, but it was... nice. Very nice. After the party was over she pushed it out of her thoughts - she loved Ash! She couldn't let this get in the way of that...

Jacinta and Destiny graduated, becoming very beautiful young ladies. Jacinta moved out to Ash's place, just like she planned, while Destiny was waiting on a proposal from Hiro. They would both be sad to leave little Adam, but it wasn't like they couldn't visit, and he'd be old enough to use the phone soon!
Notes: Oh my gosh. Jacinta and the blonde was utterly spontaneous; curse ACR. She didn't even have a want for a First Kiss anymore, that span away a long time ago... Sabrina has a want for another baby that just won't go away, and it still pops up for Jasper from time to time. We'll see, though.