Life continued at the usual fun-loving pace for the Nakamuras. The pool table was getting a lot of use.

Thanks to Sachiko and Junko's sociable attitudes to life the house was almost always crowded to bursting point, and Junko's schoolwork suffered a little as she much preferred chatting to studying. But Yuki kept her on the straight and narrow, as ever. Junko wished she could spend more time with Noah and maybe make their dating official but it didn't seem like that was happening any time soon - he was so busy working!

"So, how are things with you and Ruth?" asked Junko. Yuki feigned ignorance for a moment but one look from her twin got her to admit it.
"We've... been seeing each other. I think I might be in love with her." She smiled. "But she hasn't called lately."
Junko frowned. She liked Ruth, but she knew her type. Yuki wanted someone stable and reliable who would want to stick around, and Ruth was NOT that kind of girl. She resolved to find someone better.

As it turned out, her friend Zara swung that way and had seen Yuki around. Junko wasn't entirely sure at first - Zara wore an awful lot of makeup and was a bit of a party girl.
"I don't know. I mean, what do you want to do with your life?"
"I want to be a doctor. Or a super-scientist. I haven't decided yet," said Zara enthusiastically. "Bet you didn't see that coming. Don't judge a book by its cover, missy."
Junko grinned. A smart girl would be perfect for her sister. She promised Zara she would throw a party soon and slyly introduce them.

Meanwhile, Hiro had decided to take the plunge, and proposed to Destiny while on a romantic dinner date at the most expensive restaurant in town. She was a little hesitant at first, not wanting to leave her family, but then she decided it was now or never. Plus, it wasn't as if she couldn't call, email and visit her parents and half-siblings whenever she wanted!

So Destiny moved in with the Nakamuras. Things were going to be more than a little crowded with four adults and two teenagers in the house...
Note: There isn't a photo of the actual proposal because I was waiting for Destiny to do the whole examining-the-ring thing, or at least look happy, but she looked MISERABLE. But she accepted anyway and got a good memory from it, so I guess she did want to get engaged after all.
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