The combination of Lisa's age and the fact she was carrying twins made this pregnancy difficult. She felt like she was permanently tired and nauseous! The doctor confined her to the house and said she should spend as much time in bed as possible.

For the most part life continued as normal.
"Hey! Quit it! I'm trying to watch television!" shouted Ewan over his morning espresso. But his teenage rage was forgotten the moment the caffeine fully entered his system.

Ewan's life didn't only centre around his family and Meadow. He did have other friends. Ricky was one of them. They tended to hang around playing video games, typical guy things. It escaped Ewan's attention that Ricky mostly chose to hang around when Meadow was over, though...

Meadow was considerably less oblivious to Ricky's intentions.
"Ew! I'm with Ewan, you creeper!"

Ricky eventually got the hint and things went back to normal, with Meadow and Ewan glued together at the lips most of the time.

With his mother on virtual bed rest, Ewan found himself making all the family's meals, which suited him down to the ground. Maybe he would look for a job as a chef again, after all... but there was still the restaurant critic idea. No point tying himself to one particular career yet!

Cameron was having difficulty dealing with how tired Lisa was, and curled up in bed with his mother at every opportunity. Taylor would tuck his son in and smile. This would make excellent ammunition when Cameron started bringing dates home.

After all the stress and hassle, Lisa finally gave birth to her twins. They were a bonny, healthy pair; a boy and a girl, named Douglas and Caitlyn. Like Cameron, they both had their mother's skin-tone and eye-colour, and their father's brown hair.

Lisa went back to work as soon as she could but didn't neglect her babies. The heavily pregnant Jill Davies was a friend of the family so Lisa invited her over to give her a taste of the realities of childrearing, but Jill quickly got distracted by talking to Ewan's teenage friends. They were all about the parties, not the dirty diapers! Much more interesting!

Time flew, and both Ewan and the twins had birthdays. Ewan ditched the punk look for something a little more restrained, and was considering moving out. But he was too close to his siblings to make any real decisions yet, and a little bit too much of a slacker to be trusted not to get evicted for forgetting the rent...
Notes: Ewan is definitely staying for at least another round. I still haven't decided what to do after that; either he and Meadow will find a place and this will become the Straight family house, or Lisa, Taylor and the kids will move and found a house of their own, keeping this as the Mackenzie house. I'm more likely to pick the latter, I think; Lisa's getting pretty high up in the Architecture career so she'll bring in enough money to found a new house, whereas Ewan is still unemployed...
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