There was rarely a time in the Davies household when the phone wasn't ringing, but these days it was for Heaven as much as for anyone else; she would often stop in the middle of helping out with the kids to rush to the phone and talk to Noah.

"You're going to have to watch your kids tonight, I have a date down town," said Heaven a little smugly.
"But - " James didn't want to admit he had no idea how to look after two boisterous girls, but Heaven wasn't backing down.

Noah took her to a fairly swanky restaurant. Sure, his sister was there and Yuki Nakamura couldn't seem to resist stalking her, but when they sat down for a meal it was just them.

The date ended just like all of their days and evenings together - with a lot of kissing. Noah was even beginning to drop hints about getting engaged and Heaven moving in to his place, and Heaven wasn't exactly averse to the idea. She couldn't wait for him to propose!

Heaven may have been over the moon, but Jill was much less so. She was going to lose her free child care! And it wasn't fair at all! How had dumpy Heaven managed to bag a rich guy like Noah Knox? Of course, what Jill failed to take into account was that not only was Heaven prettier than she gave her credit for, she was also hardworking, intelligent and kind - qualities Jill lacked and therefore did not understand the value of.

Leah had developed a bond with Jin Nakamura. He was possibly the most boyish boy ever and she was a primadonna in the making, but somehow they didn't respond to each other with "EW, COOTIES" and were actually friends - mostly because Leah had a little tiny crush on him and would let him go on about whatever he wanted for hours while she listened attentively.

Nicole was another matter. She was much more rough-and-tumble than her sister so theoretically she should have gotten on better with Jin, but they seemed to get off on the wrong foot and never really recovered.

Now that Heaven was busy with her job and her boyfriend the twins were left to their own devices more than ever. Often their parents would forget to even leave them leftovers, which meant frantic snack-food-cramming sessions for the girls. They didn't mind. Cookies and chips were the best!

But the innocence of childhood couldn't last forever. The twins became teenagers and the differences between them became even more pronounced. Nicole was extremely active and had big dreams, mostly about money - being partially raised by Heaven had clearly had an effect on her. She put more effort into exercise, school and career than she did into her appearance.

Leah was the exact opposite in many ways. Sure, her favourite hobby was keeping fit too, but most of her energy went into making sure her hair was PERFECT and socialising - like her mother, she didn't have much in the way of career aspirations.