The Straights were enjoying life in their new farmhouse on the outskirts of the town. Lisa was still perfecting her art - she was so close to the top of her career she could almost taste it!

The twins weren't quite as serious as their parents or older brother - they loved to gossip and tell secrets to each other.

Cameron had decided he wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and become a City Planner someday too. His natural skills lay more with mechanics than art but he was trying his best - architecture demanded at lease SOME artistic skill.

However, his natural gift for tinkering meant that he was the one who usually ended up having to deal with the old farmhouse's cantankerous plumbing.

Taylor had struck up a friendship with Elle Knox, and had to admit to himself that she was very attractive. Secretly, she agreed, but they were both married and staunch Family-types so nothing would ever happen.

Despite their occasional laziness in the area of academics both Douglas and Caitlyn were soon getting excellent report cards. The combined forces of Lisa, Taylor AND Cameron helping them learn how to study couldn't have resulted in anything less.

Caitlyn had made friends with Zillah Knox. They were very similar in many respects, although Zillah was more outgoing and had some crazy ideas about the paranormal that didn't fit into Caitlyn's more practical world-view.

Lisa was busy at work and was often out all day. The kids would stop whatever they were doing to welcome her back home.

Lisa and Taylor both reached retirement age. Taylor was keen to collect his pension but Lisa pointed out they needed more money - even though she had no plans to retire soon, they weren't going to be able to get the house absolutely perfect on her salary alone. She had dreams of getting her children into private school someday and giving them the opportunities she'd never had and hadn't been able to give her first son, Ewan.
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