Will's worries that his increasing age would make him less attractive to the cute blondes of Virtue Falls proved unfounded. Even random girls passing by the house couldn't resist his charms - apparently he was a bit of a local legend.

If Elle knew he was still being a lecherous cad she showed no signs of it. She was all sweetness and light with him.

Elle put all of her efforts into being the perfect wife and mother. Just because Will wasn't father-of-the-year material didn't mean Adeola couldn't have a great childhood. She made sure there was a nice hot meal on the table every night.

Unfortunately, Will's behaviour did seem to have affected Adeola a little.
"Daddy, do you love ALL those ladies?"
"...what ladies, Addie?"
"The ladies you talk to!"
Elle sat there in silence.

Not long after, Elle found out she was pregnant again. She approached Will nervously, reluctant to interrupt his dance practice but knowing it had to be done.
"Honey, we're going to have another baby!"
"What?! I'm too old for this! How could you be so stupid?"
Elle panicked. That wasn't quite the response she'd been hoping for.

Elle spent most of her first two trimesters being ignored and feeling down. Was it really so terrible that they were going to have another child? She'd always dreamed of having two or three children, a white picket fences kind of life.

Adeola didn't seem to have reacted much one way or another to the news she was going to get a baby brother or sister. She was nearing her teen years and was already running up huge phone bills. It could only get worse...
Note: Elle's had the Have A Baby want locked since Adeola was a toddler - I'm surprised it took this long!
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