Hiro and Destiny's efforts to conceive had finally paid off. Destiny wasn't sure if the morning sickness was worth it and kind of wished Hiro could share her nauseous suffering.

Sachiko's cooking skills had not improved with age and she yet again almost burned down the house trying to cook a simple meal. She was henceforth banned from the kitchen - not for the first time.

Shiina brought her family around to visit and Sachiko finally got to meet her grandson. Jin was very polite and friendly, if boisterous. Gabe was clearly being a good father figure to him, in Sachiko's eyes.

Hiro wasn't quite so quick to accept his future brother-in-law and gave him a quick grilling. Thankfully he passed the big brother test and they got on famously.

"Will we be expecting the pitter-patter of tiny feet soon?" asked Sachiko. Shiina rolled her eyes.
"We've only just gotten engaged! Can't you at least finish nagging me about the wedding before you start on me about more grandkids?."
"I know, I know... it's just that I missed out on so much with Jin."

Destiny's pregnancy was progressing and she'd temporarily given up on styling her hair beyond relaxing it. She may have been tired, hungry and cranky, but there was no WAY pregnancy was going to get in the way of her playing pool!

Destiny eventually gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Momo, and invited her whole family around to meet her.

They seemed thrilled, with the exception of Amanda. Yet another thing to get in the way of her planned conquest of Hiro!

No-one was more thrilled than Nobuo and Sachiko, though. A grandchild in the house! Sure, they had Jin, but they hadn't been able to be involved in his early years. They wouldn't make that mistake with Momo.
Note: Amanda came over, started a slapping match with Nobuo, yelled at Adam and was generally very mean autonomously. She has more issues than the Daily Prophet.
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