Sabrina was happy to welcome her extended family in for a visit when they unexpectedly dropped by. Destiny may not have been her biological daughter but she cared for her as if she were one of her own and it was good to see her and her in-laws, the Nakamuras.

They had a good gossip while Hiro monopolised the computer. Unfortunately Jasper was at work so he couldn't catch up with his daughter but Sabrina promised to make him phone them as soon as he got back.

Zillah was an extremely gorgeous teenager but she wasn't all that interested in romance; she much preferred the concept of making as many platonic friends as possible and working on her music and painting. Romance was nothing but trouble as far as she was concerned.

Her point was proved when Amanda came downstairs from a work-out session and spotted Hiro. They hadn't seen each other since Amanda was a teenager and Hiro couldn't help being impressed at how Amanda had grown. He hated to admit it, but his sister-in-law was hot.

Unfortunately for Amanda, her lustful looks didn't go unnoticed. After the Nakamuras left, Adam confronted her.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?! That's your step-sister's husband!"
Amanda tried to play the innocent. "Me? He was the one doing all the looking. I swear I would never do anything like that!"
Adam wasn't entirely convinced but he wasn't about to start an all-out physical confrontation - Amanda was extremely into fitness and would probably kick him to the curb in seconds. "Yeah, well, you'd better not," he muttered, and wandered off.

Amanda was upset and called up Ewan Mackenzie. Yeah, he was married, but whenever they talked, sparks flew.
"My family's being insufferable! They all hate me... I haven't even done anything wrong. I don't suppose you could come over? I just feel so lonely."
"Not right now, I'm home alone looking after Bryce... I'll come over first thing tomorrow, okay?"
Amanda hung up and smirked. So much for the institution of marriage - Ewan would be putty in her hands.

And he was. Within moments of arriving, they started an affair.

Sabrina and Jasper were at work and the teenagers were at school so Amanda was left alone to seduce him and things quickly moved to the bedroom.

Afterwards, Amanda felt a little guilt. She was just as bad as Jill, the woman who'd wrecked her parents' marriage... but whatever. It was James and Jill's fault she was like this, not hers.

Sabrina soon entered into elderhood and retired from her job, finally becoming the stay-at-home mother she'd always wanted to be. She loved all her children but no-one could deny that she especially doted on Adam - he was her only son and was always happy to get a good meal.
Note: Amanda and Hiro have three bolts, so it was all I could do to keep them apart while the whole Nakamura family were visiting. Amanda and Ewan have two, and have already fallen in love with each other. Oh the drama X_X
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