(apologies for the poor picture quality; I'm new to this so I'm having to work out settings etc. I may start sending the pictures to my Macbook upstairs so I can clean them up a bit! Plus our house PC has really low resolution, sad times.)

James and Sabrina were lucky in that their family was just the right size for the little pre-fab houses here in Virtue Falls, but while James thought it was excellent and a definite step up from their dingy apartmment Sabrina wasn't so impressed. How on earth was she going to raise Jacinta well enough in a little shack like this?

She had to admit that some of their money problems were her own fault; she wanted to be a stay-at-home mother and wasn't about to leave her baby with some underqualified nanny! She redecorated the spare bedroom as a nursery straight away and began teaching a grouchy and tired toddler her skills.

This left job-seeking to James, who wasn't particularly motivated. Work just wasn't his thing; he'd rather sit around listening to music or go out clubbing...

...so it didn't take long for him to get bored of jobseeking and make the newspaper into a paper aeroplane. Still, he did manage to find an entry-level job in the Slacker career; from Sabrina's point of view it was better than nothing, and it suited James very well indeed.

It didn't take long for their neighbours to start visiting. Sabrina found that she got on rather well with Jasper Knox; they were both Type A personalities who needed everything just right, and they found common ground complaining about James and Jasper's brother Will.

Sabrina's less-than-kind words left an impression on Jasper, although Will was too busy eating sandwiches to socialise. Married women weren't his thing, especially dowdy ones like Sabrina who couldn't be bothered to wear makeup.

Meanwhile, James was making new friends of his own. A strange old woman turned up outside their house and told James about the matchmaking service she offered, but when James asked about the prices he was extremely disappointed and decided to stick to just seeing what life threw at him.

As luck would have it, their postman was in fact a postWOMAN, and a pretty one at that. James was very impressed...

...and she seemed keen on him, too. He didn't get her number but hey, she'd be back. He could wait.

Their life in Virtue Falls was becoming increasingly like the one they'd just left. Sabrina did the housework, the childrearing, made sure the bills were paid...

...while James browsed the web and went on chatrooms.

Despite James's problems with commitment and his lousy work ethic, he still managed to be a good father to Jacinta. Sabrina monopolised most of the childcare but James made sure he got to put his little girl to bed and kiss her goodnight.

One of the reasons the Davies family had moved was so that James and Sabrina could work on their marriage, and they really did work at it. There wasn't much of a spark there and there never had been, but they made the most of Jacinta's nap-times anyway.

Sabrina knew James wasn't exactly her one true love, but Jacinta was the light of her life and she was going to make it work for her sake, no question. She was beginning to wonder whether another baby would be a good idea; maybe it would help them all stick together and make them a better family?

She didn't have to wonder for long. Soon she started feeling the familiar nausea of morning sickness - apparently their efforts to keep their marriage going had been a little TOO successful! She was beginning to have second thoughts, though. James certainly wasn't going to welcome the patter of yet more tiny feet! And how was she going to give Jacinta all the attention she needed with a new baby in the house?

James didn't pay Sabrina very much attention during the first trimester of her pregnancy. He wasn't UNhappy about the prospect of another kid, but it was daunting, and he spent a lot of time on the phone to girls he'd met online.

Jacinta managed to make it through toddlerhood unscathed and ready for school. She was already worried that being kept up all night by a screaming little brother or sister would play havoc with her grades.
Author's Note: This is the first time in my Sim-playing career I've blogged! Hopefully the entries will get better as I get more sure of the Sims I'm playing :) Poor Sabrina. Even though I tailored her and James's turn-ons to match each other they have ZERO chemistry, and I think if they weren't married they'd actually have negative chemistry. Not good.
You're doing better than when I started! Oh man, was that bad, LOL. It feels like forever ago.
James is such a lazy sod! He needs to get off his butt and support his family (instead of his hormones). I love Jacinta's childhood hair... I can't say I've seen that around.
Thanks! I love that hair on Jacinta too, it suits her. James is so silly, all he ever wants to do is check out women and jump on the sofa. If he's not careful Sabrina'll kick him out!
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