(The pictures look best if you click on them, blogger's being silly...)
Will Knox wasn't what you'd call a modest man. His brother Jasper was, more concerned with his two children and trying to make plenty of money than with his looks. All Will wanted from life was girls, and lots of them.

His other passion, apart from pulling, was music and dance. It was freeing, plus it helped him keep in shape. He was a self-respecting Casanova; there was no way he was going to "let himself go"!

Will didn't tend to go for married women, but Sachiko Nakamura was something else. She seemed to appreciate his enthusiastic air-guitar moves while talking about the last gig he went to. Nearby, teaching Destiny her ABCs, Jasper sighed inwardly. Hopefully she wouldn't fall for the charms of someone like her uncle.

Meanwhile, Will and Jasper's father Cassius was making his own impression on the ladies of Virtue Falls. He cut a dapper figure in his hat and suit. Recently widowed Hanako Nakamura was definitely impressed, and despite her youth even Lisa Mackenzie thought he was quite interesting.

After discovering Lisa was single, Will wasted no time swooping in and asking her on a date. Flattered, she said yes. She'd always had a taste for the bad boys... which was why her son Ewan existed.

His charms were a little rusty, but Lisa responded more than favourably.

Of course, the moment she left Will started working his magic on yet another lady. He wasn't about to tie himself down, especially not to some arty hippy-chick single mum he'd just met. Playing the field is what Will Knox is all about!

Will wasn't a bad guy really, not at all. He helped look after Destiny, and tossed the ol' pigskin around with Danny when Jasper was too busy. Danny quickly discovered a love of sport. It was difficult to deflect questions about whether he was going to marry Lisa, though. Kids get funny ideas sometimes.

For the first time in his life, Will got a paying job. He wouldn't have bothered but his father and brother were getting on his nerves, and when he looked in the paper there was an advert for a job in dance. He leapt at the chance. He hoped he'd get a slightly snazzier ride as he moved up in the world, though; it's hard to impress the ladies in an old banger!

Jasper definitely wasn't slacking off, either. He'd recently won a position in a local business and was moving up the corporate ladder quickly, and he needed to work on his people skills if he wanted to reach the top.

Now both Will and Jasper were working, a lot of the childcare duties fell to Cassius. He helped Danny with his studies. Danny complained the whole time, but Cassius knew he'd be grateful once he got to High School and the REAL work started. But it was a lonely life sometimes. His wife had died a long time ago and Cassius missed having that sort of companionship.

Then he met Kaylynn. He'd gone out to pay the bills and literally bumped into her, and they got talking. Cassius was worried that a pretty young thing like her wouldn't be interested in an old grandpa, but she didn't seem to care at all. Some guys might have been scared off by how up-front she was, but Cassius appreciated it. It was sensible of her to say straight off that she wanted love, a serious relationship. Presumably she was trying to ward off ne'er-do-wells like Will.

When Will got home he was shocked and surprised to see what was going on. He held Destiny tightly and tried not to think about it. He knew it was selfish and just plain silly coming from a grown adult, but he'd gotten used to having his dad around and now he was getting his own life just when Will needed him most; Destiny was definitely in the Terrible Twos.

Cassius knew that him dating again made Will uncomfortable, but he couldn't get Kaylynn off his mind. He thought about her all the time, no matter what he was doing or who he was talking to. Trying to chat with Hanako Nakamura made it worse; she seemed to think they had some sort of Golden Years deal going on. He told her to find a toyboy, then called Kaylynn and asked her out on a date. Will would just have to deal with it.

They went to a cosy little cafe down town. They'd had to wait until Kaylynn got off from work so it was very late and Cassius was worried he'd fall asleep at the dining table, but as the night wore on he felt rejuvenated. She was fun to be around, light-hearted but not ditzy.

The night ended extremely well. He gave her a debonair kiss on the hand in farewell and she seemed delighted. Things were definitely looking up.

Will was upset, but he knew he couldn't dwell on it. His father deserved to be happy, and anyway, Destiny would be starting school soon. Maybe he needed to start dating again now too. It would be good for Destiny to have a mother-figure around.
LOL, air guitar! What lady doesn't love air guitar? That is hilarious. I love Cassius' hat! It is definitely quite dapper.
Hopefully Kaylynn has more luck in your hood. She had a different name in mine, but ended up with Roman's illegitimate child and married to Nevio, only to die like, seconds, after getting married, LOL
The air guitar always cracks me up. Jasper seems less than impressed when Will breaks it out in conversation with him! I remember Patricia - that got Roman out of a tight spot, although it did make me a bit terrified of the Realistic Illness hack. I might end up installing it if/when the population starts getting out of control though.
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