The Nakamura household was far from peaceful and Shiina couldn't see that the addition of twins would help any. She spent a lot of time on the phone to her friends, complaining about how unfair her life was. When could she move out?! She and Emma were already looking for bachelorette pads for when the time came to flee.

Despite the angst she projected at her friends, Shiina was still cheerful and positive around her family, especially her mother. Her motives were partly selfish - who knew what would happen if she annoyed the VERY pregnant Sachiko? She wasn't actively looking for a fight! Plus they did have a lot in common with their similar taste in movies.

Sachiko was proud of her increasingly enormous baby bump, and took every oppurtunity she could to show it off. Sabrina Davies encouraged her, talking to the twins in-utero and hamming it up. She was feeling kind of broody herself - she'd always rather wanted to be a mother of four, and here was the considerably-less-maternal Sachiko with everything she'd ever wanted! Sabrina was still happy for her, though.

Away from her friends and family, Sachiko was less positive. As proud as she was, carrying twins was tiring and sometimes she wished they'd just get the heck out already.

Thankfully she didn't have much longer to wait. She went into labour in the middle of the living room just as Nobuo was getting home from work and he rushed her to the maternity ward.

Sachiko finally gave birth to the twins, Yuki and Junko. They looked almost identical at first sight, sharing their father's skin tone and hair colour, but Junko's eyes were darker than Yuki's. Hiro was not at all impressed - he'd been hoping for brothers rather than a house FULL OF GIRLS. His worst nightmare!

Nobuo adored his little girls, and spent every moment when he wasn't at work helping take care of them. He especially loved tickling them and throwing them in the air, and they seemed to love it right back.

Despite being very active and sporty, Hiro was also very driven academically, so it wasn't long until he brought home his first A+ report card. He ran straight up to an impressed Sachiko with it, crowing and being generally pleased with himself.

Shiina wasn't doing quite as well at school. She'd been trying to balance socialising, working on her art, her schoolwork, a part-time job, and helping look after the twins, and it took its toll. Not only did she flunk every class, she lost the job that had been part of the reason she neglected her schoolwork in the first place! She spent several days sulking in her room, refusing calls and writing angsty poetry. Whatever, she didn't need stupid school anyway, she was an artist!

Money worries were top of all the adults' minds, and Hanako decided to branch out creatively in the hopes of making some more money. She started writing a book about her life before having Nobuo; he didn't know it, but she'd actually had a very interesting life indeed. Hopefully it would sell well enough to pay some bills.

The twins were soon toddlers, and adorable ones at that. The differences between them were becoming much more pronounced.

Yuki was quiet and shy; she didn't particularly like being played with, but she did love giving and receiving hugs from everyone around her.

Junko, on the other hand, was already more outgoing and liked to pull silly faces.

Junko also had a bad habit of grabbing at Sachiko's hair, so she got it cut even shorter. It suited her wonderfully.

The twins weren't the only ones who had birthdays. Hiro had become a teenager. He'd decided to slightly change his policy on girls; some of them were pretty cute. Really cute, even. But he still wasn't best pleased at living in a house full of sisters!
Note: this house was kind of hellish to play! Too many people! Plus I realised I'd given Sachiko the wrong hair in CAS, I always wanted her to have the hairdo she has now. Hiro rolled Popularity, if you're wondering!
LOL, moar twins! Hiro turned out to be pretty cute and I love Sachiko's new hair! It suits her.
Shiina already plotting to leave the nest. Pregnant women and twins can be pretty hectic.
Poor Sabrina!
Shiina's really not having a good time at the moment. She's really demanding with all her Pleasure Sim junk wants and I just don't have time to direct her to jump on the sofa or whatever. Plus there's usually someone ON the sofa...
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