James had tried to be faithful, he really had. He'd tried to be a supportive husband and father, but he just didn't seem to be made that way. He'd bumped into Linda Barthelet a few times now and found himself asking her out for dinner at a local 50's style diner. It went well. A bit too well.

James had also added one or two other vices to his catalogue of sins - specifically, gambling. He occasionally bumped into people he knew, such as Lisa Mackenzie, but he didn't think much of it. What did it matter if he played a few card games, drank a few beers, and talked to a few ladies?

Unfortunately for James, he didn't realise that Sachiko Nakamura had spotted him on one of his poker nights when he'd been chatting up a young blonde. Both Sachiko and Lisa disappeared quickly to gossip and consider whether or not to tell Sabrina. Eventually they decided it wasn't their business and they didn't want to wreck a marriage when there were children involved if they could help it, but if they caught James again they'd serve his head up on a plate. And that would be if they were feeling KIND.

James's other bad-husband habits included playing the synthesiser while the now very heavily pregnant Sabrina tried to get some mid afternoon shut-eye.

Despite how tired she was, Sabrina made sure she still made time for Jacinta, both before and after school. If either of them had any worries about James, they didn't let on about it - as far as they could see they were perfectly happy.

Jacinta was excited at the prospect of a baby brother or sister, and completely fascinated by the whole process of pregnancy. Every time the baby kicked, Jacinta was there.

She was also making excellent progress at school, not least because Sabrina made sure she did her homework!

Other than schoolwork and the baby, Jacinta enjoyed everything related to cooking. Unfortunately most of her attempts were coming out all wrong, but she was nothing if not persistent. She would bake the perfect cake!

Sabrina made the most of her time while Jacinta was at school and James was working or partying. She often stopped and chatted with neighbours, trying to keep her spirits up as her due date came nearer. Jill was one such friend. Unfortuntely, James took a certain interest in Jill...

Despite all the drama bubbling under the surface, Amanda Davies was born with very little trouble and Sabrina wasted no time taking her home. Like Jacinta she had her father's olive-green eyes and her mother's jet-black hair, but unlike Jacinta she had also inherited her father's pale skin. She was a beautiful little baby and Sabrina spent as much time as possible cuddling her.

Jacinta was thrilled by the new addition. A baby sister! Perfect! She was forever babbling away at her and couldn't wait until Amanda was old enough to play with properly.

James, however, wasn't quite so enamoured. He'd somehow ended up striking up a relationship with Jill, and was beginning to think he'd actually fallen in love. They were like two peas in a pod, both outgoing, emotional, musically inclined, and not prone to thinking too much about the future - Sabrina's complete and utter opposite.

He couldn't tell if Jill felt the same way or not, but she didn't seem to feel all that guilty about cheating with her friend's husband so James assumed the best. He had no idea how he was going to keep this one under wraps, but Jill was something special. He'd never felt chemistry like this with Sabrina!

Meanwhile Sabrina was, as always, left with the menial duties of actually raising a family and keeping the house clean. Thankfully she was a complete neat-freak and rather enjoyed making sure everything was sparkling.

The time flew by, and Amanda hit her toddler years. As she grew older her resemblance to her father became even more striking, although she already showed signs of being more like her mother in personality. She was very finicky and a little shy.

Jacinta had finally perfected her EZ Bake cake technique. That little brat Ewan Mackenzie wouldn't know what hit him when it came to the school bake sale...
Note: JAMES! STOP IT! I don't know what I'm going to do with him. Every time he meets a new woman he spins up wants to go on a date with her and refuses to have any wants related to Sabrina. This was almost fine until he went and fell in love with Jill after ONE date! She's in love with him too. Ohhhh dear. Amanda's cute though! I was hoping for a boy to carry on the name, but ah well.
LOL, oh boy. James is very bad... falling in love! Poor Sabrina. :( I can't see this ending well at all...
Yeah, it's definitely going to end in tears :( it's only a matter of time until James gets found out, he is truly not the brightest bulb.
Amanda is going to grow up to be a cutie! I love black hair with pale skin. The whole James and Jill is going to end badly if he isn't too careful.
I feel bad for Sabrina, getting stuck with a playboy loser as a husband.
Does Jancinta have a thing for Ewan. Because they would totally make a cute couple once they hit their teenage years!
James really is so dumb X_X I'm surprised he hasn't been caught yet! As for Jacinta and Ewan, it'll depend what aspirations they roll and what turn-ons they get. I certainly wouldn't mind if they had some bolts though...
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