Amanda was still devastated about her parents' divorce. Even though it'd been a long time coming and she wasn't exactly fond of her father it was still strange living in a broken home.

Thankfully it wasn't broken for long. Jasper had moved in, bringing Destiny with him (Danny had declined, not wishing to be stuck in a house full of teenage girls), and it wasn't long until he and Sabrina were engaged then married.

They were more than happy to finally be together. Sabrina considered buying a new bed once they had enough disposable income; it would be nice to start over fresh. Until then they'd have to make do, and were half-hoping for a baby.

Destiny continued to get on well with everyone. She was quick to bond with her new stepmother despite their drastically different personalities.

Amanda was less quick to warm to her, but Destiny kept trying and always remembered to tuck her in at night now James wasn't around to do it.

Even though they were the same age Destiny very quickly took on an overprotective-big-sister role towards Jacinta. She brought a boy home from school and Destiny was quick to grill him on his intentions the moment she was out of the room. She didn't like what she gleaned from her interrogation and was quick to show him the door.
"Where'd Randy go?" asked a puzzled-looking Jacinta when she emerged.
"Apparently he lives up to his name," scowled Destiny. "We are both way too good for boys like that. Come on, let's get out of here."

Jacinta and Destiny went on frequent outings as best friends and stepsisters. They had a pronounced fondness for bowling as they were both pretty good at it.
"Half-strike? Come on, you can do better than that!" laughed Jacinta.

Despite Jacinta's nerd girl nature she was better at bowling than Destiny; every other try was a strike. Thankfully Destiny took defeat gracefully. At least it kept her away from Randy.

Of course, Destiny hadn't realised Jacinta's affections lay elsewhere. She had a teenage-girl crush on Ash Chalmers, who she knew via her mother and stepfather. She wasn't about to do anything about it, the age-gap was far too much of an issue at the moment, but she couldn't help giggling at his jokes and admiring his kind nature (and his good looks).

Amanda was starting to come out of her very spiky shell now that her family life was more stable. Her and Yuki Nakamura's chess games were the stuff of legends, often lasting long past both of their bedtimes.

Unfortunately all that disfunction so early in life did leave its mark. She hit puberty fearing commitment - she didn't ever want to be walked all over like her idealistic mother had been. She was always going to be in control of her life.
Note: Even though I haven't set it as her secondary yet, when left to wander around autonomously Destiny acts much more like a Family sim than a Pleasure one. She also keeps spinning up wants to gain cooking and cleaning points! I don't like teen-adult interactions but I've kept them on so I can spot potential partners for when the teens get older due to lacking the Young Adult stage, hence the Ash/Jacinta thing. I'm not letting them do anything more than low-level flirting though. I pity poor Amanda - she's a shy, serious, grouchy Romance sim :(
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