Will had found a particularly gorgeous apartment complex down town and moved in to one of the penthouse suites. He already got on quite well with the landlord, and was hoping to reduce the exorbitant rent a little.

There were other attractions in the place. Will knew that romancing someone who lived in the same building as him was a risky business, but she was cute and responded to his advances.

Unfortunately he hadn't managed to drive the rent down and had to find a roomie. One of the applicants was Jill Fleig. Various bits of his brain did battle over the idea. Living with a lady could be a bad idea; what if they hit it off? How was he supposed to bring new conquests home without her getting jealous? But on the other hand, she was hot. In the end, hot won out.

Despite the obvious attraction between them, Will didn't see much of Jill. She was too busy working or going out to meet some boyfriend. She never brought him home so Will had no idea who he was, but he sounded like a bit of a jerk. Of course, Will knew all about jerks. Despite his fling with the girl in his building he still managed to find new "friends".

Jill was a permanent temptation, though, especially as she insisted on wandering around in her underwear. Will wondered how long it would take before someone's resolve cracked; whether it would be hers or his was anyone's guess.
Note: Nothing particularly interesting happened this round, just Will romancing his way through the ladies, hence the lack of pictures. I moved Jill in because Will had the want to find a roommate, and despite having had Nightlife for a while I've never moved in roomies, plus Jill was an option and I figured seeing as she's already made a name for herself in these parts it was easier to move her in than figure stuff out for someone else. So far it's kind of dull, I don't think she'll be staying long.
This could be an interesting situation, were ACR or something to step in! If Jill and Will lack chemistry, though, it isn't meant to be. ;)
lol, that's the problem - they have THREE bolts. The first thing she did upon moving in was try to flirt with Will but he was romancing another lady at the time and it didn't get through his actions queue, and they haven't really seen each other since because she's always off "running errands"!
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