Junko and Yuki were blossoming into very social young ladies. Yuki was a little more reserved but soon made friends with Ruth Knox. They had a similar temperament and were mostly concerned with intellectual matters. Junko was a little less impressed with Ruth but she liked her well enough.

Despite a false start Junko was now getting on well with Amanda Davies - they'd resolved to be BFFs. This seemed to mean that Junko hogged the phone to a teenager-esque level.

Hiro was having some good luck with the ladies. He brought a girl home from school and they ended up kissing, although neither of them were particularly keen on the idea of having a relationship right now. There was a little chemistry, but not enough.

Hanako could feel her days coming to an end. She'd had a fulfilling life, raising children and grandchildren and perfecting her art, and couldn't have wished for anything more.

She was still a little shocked and surprised when Death came for her, but slipped away with very little fuss.

The whole Nakamura family was devestated, especially little Junko. Even the fact her grandmother had left her some money in her will couldn't make her feel any better. Shiina was also upset but was dealing with it by trying to work out if her inheritance was enough to rent an apartment with.

Hiro coped by throwing himself into his fitness routines. He wanted to become a sports star so he needed to be in top physical condition, plus he loved the endorphin rush.

Shiina and her best friend Emma had graduated (barely, in Shiina's case) and were still thick as thieves. The plan to share an apartment was go, go, go!

Shiina soon found one looking through the ads in the papers. She couldn't wait to start her adult life - she loved her family, but she didn't love the way they cramped her style. She took the sewing machine with her as a last reminder of Hanako. She'd be a top designer before everyone else knew what hit them!
Note: I really don't know where Sachiko and Nobuo were hiding this round. I don't think there'll be any more little Nakamuras despite the fact those two woo-hoo whenever they get an opportunity, as the Try For Baby dialogue doesn't pop up for them. I guess Sachiko really has had enough of being pregnant!
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