Will Knox may have moved out, but his ballet bar was still in the house. Kaylynn decided to to use it to make an attempt to keep her weight in check as her pregnancy progressed but she didn't really enjoy it. Reading books and messing around with electronics were more her thing.

Cassius was having more luck when it came to finding interesting hobbies. Their unexpected windfall had allowed him to buy a fancy telescope, and they'd also installed a basketball court after Danny begged for one for his birthday.

Cassius also discovered a love for nature. When not reading up on physics or looking after Kaylynn and the kids he liked to go bug hunting and was enjoying some success, having already collected several rare specimens.

Jasper and Cassius had raised Danny well. He was very sociable and skilled at making new friends, but he was no womaniser. One of his new friends, Heidi, clearly had designs on him, but he didn't see her that way. Just because she was a girl didn't mean they couldn't be friends. Soon she saw it his way and they were best friends and Danny started entertaining ideas of having a party, as long as Jasper approved it, of course.

He was even supportive when Kaylynn went into labour, waiting with her and trying to keep her calm while they waited for the car to the hospital.

Kaylynn gave birth to a boy and a girl who she and Cassius named Noah and Ruth. They both took after their father, with his hair, eye and skin colour, and Kaylynn wondered if they would ever look or act anything like her at all. Danny and Destiny were thrilled and didn't even think that it was odd that they now had an aunt and uncle who were younger than them.

Destiny was especially excited. She loved babies and begged to join in looking after them as much as she could.

Cassius felt proud and lucky to have such a beautiful wife and two new children. Ruth was his only daughter so he felt especially protective of her and hoped he would be around to look after her for as long as possible. He even didn't mind when the babies threw up on him. Kaylynn was less impressed by their digestive pyrotechnics.

Jasper was having a well-earned rest after work when his father called for him. "Jasper! There's a young lady downstairs who wants to talk to you." He paused. "It's Sabrina Davies." Jasper gulped and ran downstairs.

"Hey," he said, trying to look as nonchalant as possible. He hoped the fact he was a little out of breath from running down the stairs wasn't too obvious. He was never prepared for the way the sight of this married woman gave him butterflies in his stomach.
"Hi, Jasper. I... there's no easy way to say this. I caught James cheating on me. I didn't know what else to do, Sachiko's so busy with the twins and Lisa's at work... I..."
If Jasper thought he'd felt nervous before, it was nothing compared to the way he felt now.

"Why couldn't I have met you before him?" said Sabrina, and Jasper wondered if he was imagining the flirtateous look in her eyes. "Oh Jasper. I don't know what to do."

He took a deep breath. "Shh. It's going to be okay."

Unaware of the drama going on all around her, Kaylynn had purchased a toy helicopter and spent a lot of her time piloting it around the room. She'd theoretically bought it for the boys, but she and Destiny were the ones who hogged the controls.

Just because she had babies of her own now didn't mean that Kaylynn stopped being a mother figure to her step-grandchildren. She made sure to congratulate them both on their excellent grades and listen to their worries.

Meanwhile, Destiny had hit a growth-spurt and become a very beautiful young lady. She still loved babies and her family, but they weren't first and foremost on her mind anymore. There'd be plenty of time for that once she'd had as much fun as possible!
Note: I forgot to mention last time that I've aged Kaylynn up so she's a couple of Sim days older than Jasper and Will. It made it a bit less weird! The whole Jasper/Sabrina thing was the fault of ACR, Jasper wanted to talk to her and it all spiralled from there. Wow, I've played a lot of Sims in the last week. My constant posting will probably slow down soon, I have work to do D:
1 comment:
Aww, twins! :D I usually try to do that, too. It doesn't seem right that they'd start out younger than the kids of the man they married, LOL!
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