Amanda craved love without confines, commitments or consequences but it was hard to find when she put up her defenses every time anyone approached her, especially boys. Know-it-all jerks! Her dreams of being adored by many weren't going to be fulfilled any time soon if she kept arguing with every guy who went within 5 yards of her. She briefly considered lesbianism in a fit of teenage rebellion, but the thought made her feel weird in a bad way.

There was one boy she didn't think was annoying or a jerk or any of the other epithets she applied to the teens who followed her and her sisters home. Ewan Mackenzie was different. He was kind, considerate, funny, and taken.

Her interest in the older boy didn't go unnoticed. Once again, Destiny took it on herself to be the protective big sister. She cornered Ewan and started a perfectly normal conversation. Then she smiled in an unnerving manner. "One last thing. If you mess with Amanda, I'll smack you so hard you'll be eating through a straw for a month."
Ewan gulped. "Message received loud and clear."
"Just stick with that Meadow girl," said Destiny with a more genuine smile. Then she wandered off to fix the TV, leaving a very perplexed Ewan in her wake.

Life wasn't all romantic trauma for Amanda. She still hung out with her sisters although she often bullied Jacinta for being a nerd.

As if life in a house with three teenage girls wasn't hectic enough, Sabrina had a new surprise for the whole family. Jacinta went to the bathroom to get ready for school and found her mother puking her guts out.
"Mom, are you alright?"
Sabrina sat on the floor looking (unsurprisingly) a bit green around the edges, then smiled. "I think I'm pregnant."

Sabrina's instincts were right. She was indeed pregnant and soon she started to show. As usual Destiny was the first one to start watching out for in-utero kicking; Jacinta was studying and Amanda was sulking over the loss of her position as baby-of-the-family.

Jasper was still shaken up by his father's death, which lead him to make a bad decision at golf game with his bosses that resulted in a demotion. Most people would have just sighed, put it down to bad luck and the fact that rising through the company on golf and schmoozing skills rather than merit was a screwed up system, but Jasper was a workaholic and therefore devastated.

Sabrina made a special effort to get everyone to sit down together for breakfast and dinner and her pregnancy progressed. The whole family together was noisy and happy.

Of course, Jacinta and Destiny made sure that their most important conversations were kept away from the dinner table and parental ears.
"So, are you and Hiro going steady yet?" asked Jacinta. Destiny blushed and giggled. "YOU ARE! You're so lucky."
"I really, really am. Don't worry, there's a guy-who's-not-a-jerk out there for you, somewhere."

Little Adam Knox joined their confusing combined family with little fuss. He looked just like his father. Jasper was glad for another boy to offset the smothering presence of so much oestrogen.
Note: Amanda wants 20 lovers but she doesn't get on with anyone. Sigh.
1 comment:
The 20 Lovers want is hard, because you have to keep them all from finding out about each other, rather than just forgetting them like you can with the 20 woohoos want.
I completed it once though. It was with the help of ACR and the voodoo doll you get from the Witch Doctor on the island vacation. It has an option to make a Sim fall in love with you.
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