Things were still going well for Lisa, Taylor and Ewan. They had a comfortable family dynamic going on.

Taylor and Lisa finally got married. It was the first marriage for either of them so despite their limited funds they made a big deal of it with a party, although they had to hold it in their back yard. It was a mostly couples affair, although Lisa's old friend Sinjin was invited as well. Thankfully despite his romantic tendencies he didn't cause any trouble and the whole thing was a roof-raiser.

And so Lisa became Mrs Straight. It sounded a bit funny, but she was sure she'd get used to it. Hopefully Ewan could carry on the family name.

Romance was in the air all through the Mackenzie-Straight household. Ewan had met a young lady called Meadow and sparks flew instantaneously. He was smitten.

Ewan mostly wanted to have a nice time with his girlfriend and make as many friends as possible, but he did harbour dreams of being a famous chef so took Meadow out on dates to restaurants so he could see what he was up against. Meadow was happy to discuss the food with him, although usually their conversations drifted more towards the physical than the culinary.

Newly-wed activities quickly caught up with Lisa and Taylor; Lisa was pregnant, and it showed. Even though it meant she'd have to take time off work just when she was getting somewhere she was still delighted, as was Taylor.

Ewan got a job at a local fast-food joint, but due to bad luck and poor judgement got fired on his first day. He was more than a little upset at the fact his dreams would have to be put on the backburner for a while.

Thankfully he had his beloved Meadow to soften the blow.
Note: Ewan is a Pleasure sim but so far he hasn't spun up any multiple first date wants and his LTW is for 50 dream dates rather than first dates, thank goodness. He seems really happy with Meadow which is a relief seeing as he's the heir now...
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