The older Nakamura kids were making their way in the world. Hiro had already made some friends at high school and he was always on the phone to one or other of them, talking about sport or planning trips down town.

Sachiko was slowly getting over her failure at work and school and went out on her first date. She didn't kiss him in the end but they had a good time and she made a new friend, which was almost as good. Teen boys couldn't buy her enough presents anyway!

The twins were growing like weeds and Sachiko and Nobuo were having difficulty keeping up with them. It seemed like they needed their attention every minute of the day and it was tiring.

Still, thanks to Hanako's dilligence in the area of childcare they managed to find the occasional moment to be affectionate with each other. Nobuo wanted another baby but Sachiko wasn't so sure - she hadn't signed up to be constantly pregnant or getting bottles for toddlers!

But Hanako was getting older and couldn't be there all the time. Nobuo's inability to cook reared its ugly head again; he was so tired he managed to set fire to spaghetti. Hiro despaired. How on earth was he supposed to invite his friends over if his dad kept setting fire to everything?!

Hanako had finished her novel and submitted it to several publishers. She spent the following weeks standing by the phone and jumping to it whenever it rang, much to the teenagers' annoyance. Finally, the call came. Her novel was a best seller!

She used some of her paycheck to buy a sewing machine, which they installed in Shiina's room. Shiina wasted no time when it came to getting started with it. It was frustrating only being able to sew potholders but she knew if she worked at it she could make clothes - if only she could show that sort of dedication to her school work.

After Shiina asked where the money for the sewing machine came from, Hanako finally gathered up the courage to tell her about her novel. "It's a book about my life," she said, handing it to her granddaughter. She sat down next to her as the young girl leafed through it, brow furrowed in concentration.
"So..." Hanako looked extremely nervous. "What do you think?"
"This is amazing! You're the coolest granny ever."
Hanako felt like she might explode with pride.

The twins were finally old enough to start school. Junko wanted to make friends, but it turned out bringing her mother's friend's daughter home was a bad move. Amanda wasn't interested in anything she had to say, preferring to be standoffish and grouchy.

Yuki wasn't so concerned with making friends; she wanted another sibling. Junko wasn't impressed. Wasn't the house busy enough already?!
Note: Nobuo won't stop spinning up the Have A Baby want and Yuki really does want another addition to the family. Hanako wants another grandchild, too. Quit it you guys! I think they're trying to out-breed the Knoxes.
Clown car fight! Who will win?! For some reason, it's only the guys in BS that seem to want to breed indefinitely. Have they no thought for their wives/lovers? LOL ;)
Hopefully, she doesn't have more twins!
haha, it's probably because they don't have to go through the pain of childbirth so they think it's all fun times. Maybe they need an alien pregnancy or two to calm them down ;) I might let Sachiko have one more baby just to cheer Hanako up before she dies, but if it's twins I'm sending 'em back, I don't care if 6 grandkids fulfills Hanako's LTW!
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