It was hard for their parents to not think of Adam and Zillah as twins. Even though Adam was older and Zillah was adopted, they were inseparable. They had very different interests - Zillah was loud and into arts and crafts, while Adam was a little quieter and more into reading - but they supported each other's efforts tirelessly.

It wasn't long until both Adam and Zillah were getting top marks at school, and Sabrina couldn't have been happier.

But Grade A report cards weren't the only thing they brought home from school. They'd struck up an acquaintance with Leah Davies.

Sabrina kept her distance - after all, Leah was the daughter of her ex-husband and ex-best friend, notorious husband-stealer Jill. But the kids agreed it was nonsensical - why shouldn't they be friends? Just because their mum and Leah's dad used to be married didn't mean they couldn't talk to each other.

Jasper had reached elderhood and made it to the top of the business world, collected from his still-modest home every day by helicopter. He had plenty of cash to improve the place or even move somewhere bigger but that wasn't on his mind - he was putting it aside so his children, not just the biological ones but his step-daughters and adopted daughter, could have enough money to start out as well as possible in the world.

But Amanda wasn't content with the easy life Sabrina and Jasper provided for her. She was constantly sneaking out after curfew with various friends and it was inevitable she'd get caught out eventually.

She thought she'd gotten away with it, but the next morning Jasper cornered her before school.
"Where were you last night?" he demanded. Amanda rolled her eyes.

"I was out on a date. Jeez, way to overreact..."
"I'm not overreacting - you were brought home in a police car!"

"Whatever! I'm not a little kid anymore, I'm nearly legally an adult. Anyway, you're not my real dad, you can't boss me around."
"That's it, young lady. You think you can just swan in and out of here as if it's a hotel, knowing that your mother and I will give you enough money to get a place in the city and keep living like this, never having to be responsible. But that stops here. You are not seeing a penny from me, and you can stay here under this roof and under my supervision until you get your act together!"

Amanda graduated but her attitude didn't change any. Just because Jasper and Sabrina were on her case constantly didn't mean she was going to change who she was... she was going to be the hottest, most desired woman in town and no-one could stand in her way.
Note: Jasper's not the only person Amanda has spontaneously started arguments and fights with - she's poked Hiro and refuses all positive interactions with Zillah and Adam... it's kinda sad. But at least this one plays into the story - Amanda has to stay because this is the Davies house and she's the only one here who still has that surname!