Monday, 30 November 2009

Round Nine - Nakamura 2

Shiina and her son Jin had really hit the jackpot. Her new lover, Gabe, was the heir to a fortune and a really nice house.

On top of that, despite his prickly nature Gabe was very caring and nurturing towards Jin, even though he wasn't his own flesh and blood. Shiina couldn't believe her luck!

It wasn't all about the practical things, though. They may not have had the biggest spark chemistry-wise as a couple but it was still definitely there.

Jin soon started school. He was an energetic young lad who much preferred sports to his mother's arts and crafts, but he would still sit down and watch movies with her.

For her part, Shiina was a very caring mother. She may have had a party-goer's soul but she had a mother's heart.

Gabe was very impressed. He'd always hoped he'd find a beautiful, caring wife someday and he knew he'd found her in Shiina. He proposed and Shiina joyfully accepted.

Jin was making friends at school - he soon brought home Adeola Knox. They talked about their joint desires for new siblings.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Round Nine - Davies 2

Heaven had gotten an expensive makeover, courtesy of Jill. She wasn't entirely sure if it suited her but it would do for now - she had more important things to worry about, like finding the job of her dreams so she could get rich on her own terms!

She went on an extensive job-hunt, checking the listings on the internet frequently. Soon she found an entry-level position in the Oceanography career. Perfect!

Nicole had struck up an acquaintance with Caitlyn Straight at school. They had a lot in common - they were both fairly relaxed, messy kids with a love of logic and games.

Leah, on the other hand, was quite the budding little socialite. She was a neat-freak but put it into her appearance rather than chores, and spent most of her time on the phone talking to her many friends.

James reached elderhood but he wasn't worried about it. Jill didn't just want him for his looks, did she? She seemed to approve of him no matter what.

Behind closed doors, however, it was another matter. Jill was still seeing her young man, and James growing older made her a little more bold - and desperate. She wouldn't be young forever either.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Round Nine - Knox 2

Adeola was growing up fast. She was an absolutely beautiful little girl who greatly resembled her father, which kept Elle from getting too angry at him.

This was probably a good thing. Will was enjoying the last few years of his youth by increasing the intensity of his womanising. His passion for blondes would never die down.

And even when he was engaging in extramarital shenanigans, he gained new admirers. Maybe this getting old thing wouldn't be TOO bad...

Elle wasn't entirely convinced. She had struck up an acquaintance with Will's stepmother, Kaylynn, and eventually she dared to ask the widow's opinion of her step-son.

"I am not getting involved," said Kaylynn firmly. "I know he's had a past, but I'm not in a position to tell you what's going on. We've barely talked in years."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, sweetheart. Just... keep an eye on him."

Unfortunately Elle couldn't keep an eye on Will 24/7 - she DID have a job to go to. Will used his time taking care of Adeola while Elle was at work to swiftly romance the maid.

He was successful, as ever.

Adeola soon started school and Elle never wasted a moment with her. Her little girl was growing up so fast!

Will had also had a birthday. He stared at the mirror despondently as he brushed his teeth. When did he get so old? And who would want an old codger like him? He sighed. It was likely he'd be stuck with just Elle... unless he could find some young ladies who found grey hair "distinguished".

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Round Nine - Nakamura

Things were going well for Yuki. She asked Zara on an official date and it went amazingly well.

So well, in fact, that she asked her if they could go steady. It was more of a big deal than it would have been a few years ago - they were both graduating soon and would be adults. They were serious about each other.

Nobuo and Sachiko reaching elderhood hadn't curbed their amorousness, and Junko was more disgusted than ever. Old people! Old people KISSING! EW!

Sachiko had heard about Shiina's relationship with the handsome (and very rich) Gabe LeTorneau, and wasted no time in grilling her about it.

"So, when are you going to marry him?"

"MOM! He hasn't even proposed yet!"

"Well, you'd better make sure he does it soon. You're a single mother, you're lucky to have made such a catch..."

Junko and Yuki both graduated high school and grew into beautiful young ladies, but their boisterous and occasionally childish behaviour when together didn't die down. They still loved playing "Punch You, Punch Me."

But their childish dreams couldn't last forever. The house was far too crowded so they decided to move out together and find a snazzy apartment while Yuki made her way up the Oceonography career ladder and saved up for a proper house.

Hiro had reached the top of his chosen career - he was a sports superstar!

Unfortunately his efforts in the making-a-family area were not proving as successful as his efforts in his career. Destiny still wasn't pregnant and was getting a little upset about it. All she wanted to talk about was babies!

Thankfully, keeping on in their quest and trying for a baby was a lot of fun.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Round Nine - Mackenzie

Ewan and Meadow had gotten married just in time - Meadow's pregnancy was already showing. Ewan was excited at the prospect of fatherhood and constantly got in Meadow's way, demanding to talk to the baby.

He wasn't completely useless, though. Meadow's skills in the kitchen were no match for his and he made sure she had a delicious cooked breakfast and dinner every day. He'd learned from dealing with his mother that a well-fed pregnant lady was a happy one.

Pregnancy didn't get in the way of the newlyweds' amorous activities, despite Meadow's hangups.

"I look like a whale!"

"Yeah, but you're my whale."

"How romantic," said Meadow, but she was giggling.

Ewan and Hiro's lives had changed dramatically but they were still best friends, even though their conversations tended more towards grown-up topics like weddings and paying the bills than the latest video games these days.

Meadow eventually gave birth to a healthy baby boy who they named Bryce. He was a mixture of his whole family's genetics - freckled skin, Ewan's absent father's blue eyes, and blond hair like Meadow's.

Ewan may have been a pleasure-seeker at heart, but he had his family side. Plus, babies were fun to play with! He didn't even care all that much if Bryce threw up on him.

Ewan put the money he'd been making from his restaurant guides into improving the kitchen. His growing family would need a lot of food!

Note: Not much going on here, as you can see, but oh boy is there a drama storm on the horizon... Amanda keeps phoning and asking to talk to Ewan, and they have two bolts. Ewan's wants towards her are pretty much platonic, but if her wants start tending towards the romantic... gulp. And she's a Romance sim, so there's no chance they won't D:

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Round Nine - Knox

The years were catching up with Kaylynn. She'd bought herself a nice recliner so she could rest her tired old bones during the day, and sometimes the night too.

It didn't get in the way of her new romance, though. She knew it wasn't going to go anywhere, she was far too old for that and was more concerned with making sure Noah and Ruth survived their teenage years. Hopefully she would live to see grandchildren!

Noah had taken Kaylynn's ideas about commitment to heart, but Ruth wasn't convinced and said so over breakfast.

"I mean, I know that just because I'm into girls doesn't mean I can't get married, but still, I think it's outdated. Why should I settle for just one person?"

Kaylynn looked horrified. Was Ruth trying to drive her to an early grave?!

It wasn't that Kaylynn disapproved of Ruth being a lesbian; far from it. Noah still brought Yuki Nakamura home with him sometimes, despite his and Junko's falling out, and Kaylynn thought the world of her. Yuki still carried a torch for Ruth despite everything (including getting a new girlfriend). Kaylynn approved of the idea of her as a daughter-in-law someday; why couldn't Ruth see the light?

Ruth had other problems, including large numbers of boys trying to hit on her. She wasn't surprised; she was exceedingly pretty, after all. But they just didn't seem to get the message.

"Um, that's very nice and everything, but... you do know I'm a lesbian, right?"

"Yes, but - "

"Which means I'm into girls, not boys. Thanks but no thanks."

Noah had gone off romance altogether since his disasterous attempt at a relationship with Junko Knox, much preferring to work on his skills. The Knox family had recently bought a piano and although Noah's attempts currently sounded more as if he were pushing it down the stairs than playing Mozart he was determined to add music and creativity to his repertoire. Relationships could wait until he was good and ready; knowledge was where it was at!

Note: The Knoxes are drama-free at the moment! Yay! I think this may partially be because Ruth has run out of teenage girls to be interested in. Things may change when she's an adult... depends how many girls-who-are-into-girls I can find 0_o

Friday, 20 November 2009

Round Nine - Davies

It was hard for their parents to not think of Adam and Zillah as twins. Even though Adam was older and Zillah was adopted, they were inseparable. They had very different interests - Zillah was loud and into arts and crafts, while Adam was a little quieter and more into reading - but they supported each other's efforts tirelessly.

It wasn't long until both Adam and Zillah were getting top marks at school, and Sabrina couldn't have been happier.

But Grade A report cards weren't the only thing they brought home from school. They'd struck up an acquaintance with Leah Davies.

Sabrina kept her distance - after all, Leah was the daughter of her ex-husband and ex-best friend, notorious husband-stealer Jill. But the kids agreed it was nonsensical - why shouldn't they be friends? Just because their mum and Leah's dad used to be married didn't mean they couldn't talk to each other.

Jasper had reached elderhood and made it to the top of the business world, collected from his still-modest home every day by helicopter. He had plenty of cash to improve the place or even move somewhere bigger but that wasn't on his mind - he was putting it aside so his children, not just the biological ones but his step-daughters and adopted daughter, could have enough money to start out as well as possible in the world.

But Amanda wasn't content with the easy life Sabrina and Jasper provided for her. She was constantly sneaking out after curfew with various friends and it was inevitable she'd get caught out eventually.

She thought she'd gotten away with it, but the next morning Jasper cornered her before school.

"Where were you last night?" he demanded. Amanda rolled her eyes.

"I was out on a date. Jeez, way to overreact..."

"I'm not overreacting - you were brought home in a police car!"

"Whatever! I'm not a little kid anymore, I'm nearly legally an adult. Anyway, you're not my real dad, you can't boss me around."

"That's it, young lady. You think you can just swan in and out of here as if it's a hotel, knowing that your mother and I will give you enough money to get a place in the city and keep living like this, never having to be responsible. But that stops here. You are not seeing a penny from me, and you can stay here under this roof and under my supervision until you get your act together!"

Amanda graduated but her attitude didn't change any. Just because Jasper and Sabrina were on her case constantly didn't mean she was going to change who she was... she was going to be the hottest, most desired woman in town and no-one could stand in her way.

Note: Jasper's not the only person Amanda has spontaneously started arguments and fights with - she's poked Hiro and refuses all positive interactions with Zillah and Adam... it's kinda sad. But at least this one plays into the story - Amanda has to stay because this is the Davies house and she's the only one here who still has that surname!