The years were catching up with Kaylynn. She'd bought herself a nice recliner so she could rest her tired old bones during the day, and sometimes the night too.

It didn't get in the way of her new romance, though. She knew it wasn't going to go anywhere, she was far too old for that and was more concerned with making sure Noah and Ruth survived their teenage years. Hopefully she would live to see grandchildren!

Noah had taken Kaylynn's ideas about commitment to heart, but Ruth wasn't convinced and said so over breakfast.
"I mean, I know that just because I'm into girls doesn't mean I can't get married, but still, I think it's outdated. Why should I settle for just one person?"

Kaylynn looked horrified. Was Ruth trying to drive her to an early grave?!

It wasn't that Kaylynn disapproved of Ruth being a lesbian; far from it. Noah still brought Yuki Nakamura home with him sometimes, despite his and Junko's falling out, and Kaylynn thought the world of her. Yuki still carried a torch for Ruth despite everything (including getting a new girlfriend). Kaylynn approved of the idea of her as a daughter-in-law someday; why couldn't Ruth see the light?

Ruth had other problems, including large numbers of boys trying to hit on her. She wasn't surprised; she was exceedingly pretty, after all. But they just didn't seem to get the message.
"Um, that's very nice and everything, but... you do know I'm a lesbian, right?"
"Yes, but - "
"Which means I'm into girls, not boys. Thanks but no thanks."

Noah had gone off romance altogether since his disasterous attempt at a relationship with Junko Knox, much preferring to work on his skills. The Knox family had recently bought a piano and although Noah's attempts currently sounded more as if he were pushing it down the stairs than playing Mozart he was determined to add music and creativity to his repertoire. Relationships could wait until he was good and ready; knowledge was where it was at!
Note: The Knoxes are drama-free at the moment! Yay! I think this may partially be because Ruth has run out of teenage girls to be interested in. Things may change when she's an adult... depends how many girls-who-are-into-girls I can find 0_o
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