Sabrina and Jasper still wanted more children - every time they looked at little Adam they were more and more sure. But they were getting on in years and the likelihood of Sabrina conceiving was pretty much nil.
So, they made their decision. They were going to adopt.

Once all the paperwork and checks on their home-life had gone through, they welcomed little Zillah to the family. She looked a lot like Amanda, with her pale skin and dark hair.

She was very shy at first and Sabrina found it difficult to get her to learn her alphabet, but she soon warmed to her new parents and turned out to be a very happy, bubbly toddler.

She was always smiling and adored getting hugs from Sabrina and Jasper. She didn't look quite like the rest of the family - her eyes were very different - but she fit in perfectly anyway.

Amanda was less pleased with the new addition.
"It's not fair!" she shouted at her friend while playing video games. "It's bad enough I had to deal with a new little brother, but this is too much!"
Her friend rolled her eyes and just kept playing.

Amanda soon came out of her sulk when her step-aunt and BFF Ruth came to visit. Amanda was completely befuddled by Ruth coming out as a lesbian (not that she'd made a big deal of it - it was just a fact of life with her!). But boys were cute! Ruth just rolled her eyes.

Boys were indeed Amanda's weakness. She played all cute and sweet and coy with them; she wasn't manipulative on purpose, it just seemed to happen. Every time she met a new boy it was the same old story. She never dated them steadily enough for them to see the real her.

Adam's first day of school soon swung around. He wasn't very outgoing but at the same time having conversations with new people didn't send him into panic, and he could already hold up his end of a discussion.

He loved science and nature, much preferring his ant farm to playing rough and tumble with the other kids.

Zillah started school not long after. She was becoming a very beautiful young lady and didn't have a mean bone in her body. She and Adam were inseparable; it was almost as if they were twins.
Notes: Sabrina's want for another baby just wouldn't go away! But then I remembered... I made several batches of kids with randomly assigned personalities and put them in my little orphanarium so any future gay couples can adopt them. And thus Zillah joined the family.
I was going to ask if you'd filled the adoption pool yourself - Zillah is too pretty to be randomly generated!
She's actually basic-template facewise, I just changed her eyes and skin :) The others in the orphanarium... not so much.
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