Will may have been an expectant father, and he may have had a wedding band on his finger, but that didn't seem to be able to stop him from his womanising. A simple trip to his favourite club became an impromptu party when a singer he'd appeared in a video turned up with her entourage, which included three cute blondes who were very conspicuously not his wife.

Will kept his distance for a while, jumping into the DJ booth and spinning a few tunes. He had a great time - maybe that was the next step for him once his dance career was over? He'd be an elder soon and his joints weren't what they once were, but he still had music (and cool) in his veins.

His fun didn't end when he let the resident DJ get back in the booth and do her thing - a request for a slow song here, a few words in the ear of a pretty lady there... the night ended with him and the three blondes all in one hot tub. What a party!

Will wasn't so good at keeping his other indiscretions secret. Jill turned up in the apartment one morning wearing nothing but a tiny silk nightie, and Will was powerless to resist. Unfortunately Elle chose that moment to emerge from the bedroom, yawning and rubbing sleep from her eyes, and saw them canoodling in a corner.

She didn't wait to consider her options and went straight for the jugular, delivering a mighty slap to Will.
"You lying scumbag! In OUR apartment, while I'm pregnant with YOUR child!"
Jill giggled.

"And YOU! I thought you were my FRIEND!" yelled Elle. This was becoming quite a pattern for the red-head, it seemed - her inability to keep her hands off other people's husbands was indeed becoming legendary in the clubs and pubs downtown.

Once she had forcefully shown Jill the door, Elle turned her rage back on Will. "You aren't allowed to see her anymore!"
"Aren't ALLOWED?! Or what?"
"Or I'm leaving, and I'm taking my baby."
Will could almost see the ghost of his father frowning at him. He must be rolling in his grave. He sighed. "Okay, honey."

Will threw himself into his career, and was away with a dancing troupe when Elle went into labour. It was actually Jill who rushed her to the hospital, perhaps returning the favour for how helpful Elle had been regarding the birth of her twins. Maybe she even felt remorse.

Elle gave birth to a little girl called Adeola. She may have still been absolutely furious with Will, but she couldn't be angry with his daughter, even if she did look exactly like him. She was just so adorable! Elle could hardly believe she'd grown something so pretty inside of her for 9 months.

Elle took on all of the baby-care and as many chores as she could handle, working off her aggression by being the perfect housewife. Will stayed as far away as possible.

After a while, though, he dared to approach his wife, bringing a peacemaking gift of an expensive rose. She was very touched. Her anger had been ebbing away; she was just so tired of the animosity, and she had to admit Will had kept his side of the bargain. She hadn't seen Jill around since the ultimatum.

She still monopolised Adeola's time, but not maliciously. It was just that she loved her little bundle of joy, and Will wasn't naturally one for midnight feedings, diaper changes and getting puked on, regardless of how cute the puker was.

But as Adeola got older, she got a little more interesting to her dad. She was like a mini-girl-version of him! And toddlers were fun. Now she was potty trained and didn't throw up so much he could concentrate on the important things, like teaching her nursery rhymes and how to play the xylophone. He'd make a musical superstar out of her yet!

But the new domestic bliss couldn't last. Elle cornered her husband as he attempted to get to the coffee machine before a hard day's work rehearsing for the latest music video. "Will, we need to talk. We can't live in this apartment forever. I think we need to get out of the city, go somewhere our daughter can run around and play. Plus that little witch Jill is still lurking around..."
"But we can't afford - "
"Save it. We are MOVING. My great-uncle just died and left me enough money for a house in his will. If you're too much of a cheating low-life to do this for me, at least do it for Adeola's sake."

Elle chose their new house, of course. It was her money. She went with a pretty (if a bit ostentatious) cottage far away from the temptations that lay down town, complete with a small garden with a swing-set. It was perfect for her and Adeola. Will, on the other hand, felt awful. He was getting old, his romancing days seemed to be reaching a close, he was banned from having any contact with Jill, AND he was stuck in the suburbs. He'd never felt so trapped before in his entire life.
Notes: Dammit Jill! Ah well, it was a good excuse to move them to a proper house. This is the second time she's stolen a friend's husband, and the second time she's autonomously flirted with them and caused a slap-fest... remember? She was Sabrina's friend too, once upon a time. Oh treachery, thy name is Jill.
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