Ewan and Meadow had gotten married just in time - Meadow's pregnancy was already showing. Ewan was excited at the prospect of fatherhood and constantly got in Meadow's way, demanding to talk to the baby.

He wasn't completely useless, though. Meadow's skills in the kitchen were no match for his and he made sure she had a delicious cooked breakfast and dinner every day. He'd learned from dealing with his mother that a well-fed pregnant lady was a happy one.

Pregnancy didn't get in the way of the newlyweds' amorous activities, despite Meadow's hangups.
"I look like a whale!"
"Yeah, but you're my whale."
"How romantic," said Meadow, but she was giggling.

Ewan and Hiro's lives had changed dramatically but they were still best friends, even though their conversations tended more towards grown-up topics like weddings and paying the bills than the latest video games these days.

Meadow eventually gave birth to a healthy baby boy who they named Bryce. He was a mixture of his whole family's genetics - freckled skin, Ewan's absent father's blue eyes, and blond hair like Meadow's.

Ewan may have been a pleasure-seeker at heart, but he had his family side. Plus, babies were fun to play with! He didn't even care all that much if Bryce threw up on him.

Ewan put the money he'd been making from his restaurant guides into improving the kitchen. His growing family would need a lot of food!
Note: Not much going on here, as you can see, but oh boy is there a drama storm on the horizon... Amanda keeps phoning and asking to talk to Ewan, and they have two bolts. Ewan's wants towards her are pretty much platonic, but if her wants start tending towards the romantic... gulp. And she's a Romance sim, so there's no chance they won't D:
1 comment:
"Yeah, but you're my whale."
Aww, that's cute!
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