Heaven had gotten an expensive makeover, courtesy of Jill. She wasn't entirely sure if it suited her but it would do for now - she had more important things to worry about, like finding the job of her dreams so she could get rich on her own terms!

She went on an extensive job-hunt, checking the listings on the internet frequently. Soon she found an entry-level position in the Oceanography career. Perfect!

Nicole had struck up an acquaintance with Caitlyn Straight at school. They had a lot in common - they were both fairly relaxed, messy kids with a love of logic and games.

Leah, on the other hand, was quite the budding little socialite. She was a neat-freak but put it into her appearance rather than chores, and spent most of her time on the phone talking to her many friends.

James reached elderhood but he wasn't worried about it. Jill didn't just want him for his looks, did she? She seemed to approve of him no matter what.

Behind closed doors, however, it was another matter. Jill was still seeing her young man, and James growing older made her a little more bold - and desperate. She wouldn't be young forever either.
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