To outside eyes, Jill and James were completely incomprehensible. Two flirty, cheating slackers, married and about to bring two innocent children in the world does seem like a recipe for trouble in anyone's books. But to them it all made sense. Sure, Jill had rekindled her affair with Will, and James didn't look likely to grow out of the mistakes he'd made in his first marriage, but they still loved each other.

Jill was trying to cover up her infidelity by making friends with Elle. Seeing as she'd previously hated Elle and got into several fights with her a more... perceptive husband may have suspected her motives, but "sensitive" and "emotionally intelligent" were not words anyone could use to describe James.
"You're absolutely glowing! Pregnancy suits you!" declared Jill.
"Um... thanks?" Elle was more than a little surprised by Jill's change in attitude, but she was a positive and friendly soul and her endless naivety allowed her to only see good in making friends. Plus she could do with the support of a fellow expectant mother.

James was surprisingly enthusiastic about the upcoming birth of twins considering how negligent a parent he'd been to his already-existing children. He couldn't wait to teach them how to play his synthesiser, and Jill was already talking about enrolling them in dance classes the moment they learned how to walk.

James's star was still rising in the world of parties. He was very close to being able to pack all the odd-jobs in and becoming a professional party guest. Flirting with the young ladies who gave him rides home helped his enthusiasm.

He'd also bumped into an old flame from a few years ago and they'd had a pleasant conversation with more than a little suggestion and innuendo. It put a spring in his step. Of course, he'd have to be careful Jill never saw any of this unless he really wanted a black eye.

Jill ended up going into labour mid-conversation with Elle in the middle of the lobby. James was nowhere to be found as Elle found a telephone and called a taxi to the hospital.

Jill had twin girls named Leah and Nicole. Everyone in the apartment was delighted to meet them when she brought them home; they looked positively angelic, identical blonde girls with their father's very pale skin.

Jill found that, although she was far from a "natural" mother and still not very maternal, caring for little babies wasn't as hard as she'd feared it would be. They were too cute for her to hate them! Plus she made James do all the diaper-changing. That helped her opinion.

Being friends with Elle lead to more than a few awkward situations. She'd visit unannounced and bring Will with her, and Jill couldn't resist being a little tactless.
"How's everything with you and James? Not living up to his reputation, I hope," said Elle delicately.
"Of course not, I know how to keep my man happy. Will would know all about that..."
"What?" Will gulped and Elle looked confused.
Jill smirked. "Being kept happy. You're such a great couple!"
Will sighed. Yep, DEFINITELY playing with fire.

The girls grew quickly. They were still almost identical, with only slight differences in nose-shape to tell them apart. Their personalities were similar too; both outgoing, grouchy, difficult little toddlers.
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