Shiina and her son Jin had really hit the jackpot. Her new lover, Gabe, was the heir to a fortune and a really nice house.

On top of that, despite his prickly nature Gabe was very caring and nurturing towards Jin, even though he wasn't his own flesh and blood. Shiina couldn't believe her luck!

It wasn't all about the practical things, though. They may not have had the biggest spark chemistry-wise as a couple but it was still definitely there.

Jin soon started school. He was an energetic young lad who much preferred sports to his mother's arts and crafts, but he would still sit down and watch movies with her.

For her part, Shiina was a very caring mother. She may have had a party-goer's soul but she had a mother's heart.

Gabe was very impressed. He'd always hoped he'd find a beautiful, caring wife someday and he knew he'd found her in Shiina. He proposed and Shiina joyfully accepted.

Jin was making friends at school - he soon brought home Adeola Knox. They talked about their joint desires for new siblings.
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