Jacinta had moved in with her boyfriend, Ash Chalmers, and was trying to put the whole kissing-a-girl-and-liking-it incident behind her.

Unfortunately, just because she'd moved out didn't mean her mother wasn't going to interfere. Sabrina stopped by the apartment for an impromptu visit and instantaneously started getting on her case.
"When are you two getting married?"
"Mom! He hasn't even asked yet! And we'll get around to it in our own time! I'm too concerned with my career right now."
"Well hurry up, I want grandchildren. Legitimate grandchildren."

As much as Jacinta did want to marry Ash, her career was indeed the first thing on her mind. She perfected the last few skills in her mental armoury, hoping she would soon reach the highest ranks she could in the scientific community. She didn't want to be like poor Lisa Mackenzie, kept behind in her career due to too much maternity leave...

Despite Sabrina's frequent intrusions on their privacy, they were happy together. They hadn't... "done the deed", as it were, but they were plenty romantic enough without.

Jacinta wasn't surprised when Ash popped the question, but she WAS delighted. She wanted to be reserved and sensible, consider it, ask if it was too soon, but she started doing an awkward little dance of joy.

Jacinta found herself enjoying the domestic life and rediscovered her love of the culinary arts. She happily made pancakes for the two of them every morning, as Ash was definitely not a morning person and probably would have burned poptarts.

They got married in a small, private ceremony, but asked Jacinta's family, including her step-family, over for a reception party at their apartment.

It went swimmingly. The whole family seemed on the same level as Ash about things, with the possible exception of Ruth who was considerably less down-to-earth.

Jacinta was happy. She was sure she could get used to married life...

...and finally being "an honest woman" had a few extra advantages!
Note: I refused to let Ash and Jacinta do anything beyond make out until they were married. As soon as the party was over, they got busy on the couch and Jacinta instantly got pregnant. What happened to your career dreams, lady?!?!
Did you turn off woohoo in their ACR or did you just keep cancelling it out? With my Lia (who's waiting till marriage), I've taken the easy way out and just banned her from woohoo in her ACR token but I know others have done it the hard way.
Oh, so you CAN do that without wrecking everyone else's ACR? I tried messing around but then I was convinced I'd break it so I was having to watch them like a hawk! At least unmarried try for baby was off...
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