Looking after two toddlers was proving more difficult than Jill had anticipated. Didn't they realise she needed at LEAST four hours a day on the phone if she was going to stay popular?!

It wasn't all Jill's lack of maternal instincts, either. The twins were not the easiest children to look after - constantly grumpy, fractious and unpleasant. Sometimes it took hours to get them to go to sleep, and once you'd managed one would wake up and start crying and the whole cycle would begin again.

Jill proposed a solution, and James was all ears.
"We've gotta get out of this place and find a bigger apartment. And get some kind of a live-in nanny..."
"What, like an au-pair?" Visions of blonde European teenagers danced around in James's head.
"...something like that." Jill realised she was going to have to find someone that wouldn't tempt her husband, and someone who'd be cheap enough for them to be able to afford the rent on a larger place. She had just the candidate...

Heaven Louie hadn't heard from her youngest aunt for a while and was surprised to get invited over. Being a fortune-minded young lady who hadn't managed to get a job yet, she was thrilled at the notion of moving in with them, even if it did mean looking after two difficult little girls.

The arrangement worked out perfectly. They moved into the larger apartment and Heaven took to looking after the kids like a fish to water, leaving Jill and James with enough time and energy to work and, more importantly, play.

The twins were soon more fond of Heaven than they were of their own parents, although they had a tendency to grab at her hair.

Jill, meanwhile, was reaping the benefits of not having to act like a mother. She'd had to call off her little "arrangement" with Will Knox due to his wife finding out and needed an outlet. James was nice enough, her husband, the father of her children, all that jazz, but he wasn't exciting anymore. Luckily for Jill, while on her weekly outing to the beauty spa she met someone new. One thing lead to another, in front of onlookers.

They spent the whole afternoon together, lazing around in the hot-tubs.

They would have taken it further than kissing if it weren't for some nosy old busy-body getting all up in their business. It was at that point Jill realised she'd stayed out a lot later than she said she would. She needed a good excuse...

When she got back, Heaven was waiting for her. "You're back late." Luckily, Jill had prepared for just such a situation.
"You're my niece, not my mother! If you MUST know, I stayed out later because I was picking out some new clothes for YOU. That's right, feel bad." She shoved the bags into Heaven's hands and stormed off.

The twins were soon children and ready to start school. Every morning they demanded hugs from Heaven, although Nicole was still attached enough to her parents to know something was missing.

Leah, on the other hand, had no such feelings. She was quick to take out her frustrations at James and Jill by demolishing the doll house they'd bought for her. James just stood by and watched in confusion.

Leah and Nicole may have been twins and they were very close, but it didn't mean they got on all the time. Their distinct differences in personalities meant they sometimes clashed. Nicole was meaner and messier and delighted in tormenting neat-freak Leah.

But even after all their fights and disagreements, they were still each other's best friends.
Notes: Okay, I admit it, a lot of this was me playing around and seeing what I could do with various hacks! Plus it seemed rather in character for Jill and James to call on someone else to do the actual grunt-work of parenting. Leah and Nicole repeatedly spin up wants to torment someone, and always get positive relationship points when they torment each other!
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